Article Figures & Data
Data Supplement
- Supplemental Data -
Supplemental Methods
Supplemental Figure S1. Protocol to evaluate intracellular Ca2+ dynamics in patch-clamped cells under Na+ free condition.
Supplemental Figure S2. Analytical characterization of PST3093.
Supplemental Figure S3. Effects of 1 μM PST3093 on electrical activity in guinea-pig myocytes.
Supplemental Table S1. Effect of PST3093 and istaroxime on SERCA2a kinetic parameters in cardiac preparations from healthy guinea-pigs.
Supplemental Table S2. Effect of PST3093 (10 μM) on the panel of molecular targets (Eurofins, Taiwan).
Supplemental Table S3. Characterization of the STZ diabetic rat model.
Supplemental Table S4. Echocardiographic parameters in healthy and STZ diabetic rats.
Supplemental References.
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