In the above article [Robinson SD, Aitken JF, Bailey RJ, Poyner DR, and Hay DL (2009) J Pharmacol Exp Ther 331:513–521], the values presented in Tables 1 and 2, together with a small amount of text under Results and Discussion, are incorrect. The new values do not change the conclusions of the article. The corrected text and tables are shown below.
On page 515, Results, left column, four lines from the bottom, in the sentence beginning “AM consists of,” the values 31%, 51%, and 80%, should be 28%, 44%, and 88%, respectively.
On page 515, Results, the last sentence of the first paragraph has been replaced with “C3 and C4 have secondary structure similar to that of AM22–52, whereas all the other peptides have reduced α-helical content (Table 2).”
On page 518, Discussion, in the first sentence of the third paragraph, the value 80% should be 88%.
The online version of this article has been corrected in departure from the print version.
The authors regret this error and apologize for any confusion and inconvenience it may have caused.
- Copyright © 2011 by The American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics