Index by author
January 01, 1962; Volume 135,Issue 1
Mansour, Tag E.
- You have accessEFFECT OF SEROTONIN ON GLYCOLYSIS IN HOMOGENATES FROM THE LIVER FLUKE FASCIOLA HEPATICATag E. MansourJournal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics January 1962, 135 (1) 94-101;
Mccubbin, James W.
- You have accessCENTRAL INHIBITION OF VASOMOTOR ACTIVITY BY GUANETHIDINEYoshihiro Kaneko, James W. McCubbin and Irvine H. PageJournal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics January 1962, 135 (1) 21-24;
Mcmahon, Robert E.
- You have accessTHE N-DEMETHYLATION OF BUTYNAMINERobert E. McMahon and Nelson R. EastonJournal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics January 1962, 135 (1) 128-133;
Miller, Tracy B.
- You have accessINHIBITION OF MERCURIAL DIURESIS BY NONDIURETIC MERCURIALSTracy B. Miller and Alfred E. FarahJournal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics January 1962, 135 (1) 102-111;
Murray, Anne W.
- You have accessTHE EFFECTS OF RESERPINE ON UPTAKE OF EPINEPHRINE IN BRAIN AND CERTAIN AREAS OUTSIDE THE BLOOD-BRAIN BARRIERCedric W. M. Wilson, Anne W. Murray and Elwood TitusJournal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics January 1962, 135 (1) 11-16;
In this issue