Index by author
March 01, 1952; Volume 104,Issue 3
Wang, C. Y.
- You have accessBLOCKADE OF EPINEPHRINE-INDUCED HYPERGLYCEMIAStewart C. Harvey, C. Y. Wang and Mark NickersonJournal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics March 1952, 104 (3) 363-376;
Weaver, Lawrence C.
- You have accessEFFECT OF LIVER INJURY AND NEPHRECTOMY ON THE ANTICONVULSANT ACTIVITY OF CLINICALLY USEFUL HYDANTOINSEwart A. Swinyard, Lawrence C. Weaver and Louis S. GoodmanJournal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics March 1952, 104 (3) 309-316;
Wedd, A. M.
- You have accessTHE ACTION OF ACETYL-STROPHANTHIDIN ON HEART MUSCLEA. M. Wedd and H. A. BlairJournal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics March 1952, 104 (3) 334-339;
White, Marcia R.
- You have accessTHE ACTION OF SALTS OF ZIRCONIUM AND OTHER METALS ON PLUTONIUM AND YTTRIUM DISTRIBUTION AND EXCRETIONMarcia R. White and Jack SchubertJournal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics March 1952, 104 (3) 317-324;
In this issue