Table 3

Permeability and transport of reference compounds over 20 passages

CompoundPapp A → BPappB → AB → A/A → B Ratio
Amprenavir37.3  ± 6.96987  ± 12327.7  ± 2.90
Amprenavir +GF120918341  ± 39.9409  ± 52.11.19  ± 0.04
Mannitol11.3  ± 2.719.15  ± 2.970.82  ± 0.18
Mannitol + GF12091811.3  ± 2.599.24  ± 3.270.81  ± 0.17
Propranolol496  ± 51.2514  ± 43.01.04  ± 0.09
Propranolol +GF120918504  ± 38.7507  ± 36.61.01  ± 0.11

Data are reported as the average Papp ± standard deviation from seven independent transport experiments, each withn = 3 Transwells. MDR1-MDCKII cells used in studies were between passage numbers 30 and 50. Involvement of a Pgp-mediated efflux mechanism is suggested if the BA/AB ratio is >2.0. GF120918 at 2 μM was added to both donor and receiver compartments.