Table 4

Immunohistochemical localization of CYP2Cs in normal murine tissues

Salivary glandsIntralobular and interlobular ducts
AortaSmooth muscle
HeartCardiac muscle
LungAirway epithelial cells, Clara cells, ciliated cells
KidneyDistal tubular epithelial cells
PancreasIslets of Langerhans, pancreatic duct
BladderMucosal transitional cells
Seminal vesiclesBasilar epithelial cells
EpididymisHead of the epididymis tubule cells
VaginaStratified squamous epithelial cells
CervixStratified squamous epithelial cells
Female adrenalsMedullary cells, inner cortex, X-zone
Male adrenalsNo consistent strong staining
SkinEpidermis, follicles, and sebaceous glands
EyesRetina (rods and cones, inner nuclear layer, ganglion cells), periphery of the lens, corneal epithelial cells, and ciliary body