Table 1

Novel compounds from diverse chemical or pharmacological classes producing memory enhancement in human and nonhuman primates (representative list—last 5 years)1-a

Drug ClassCompoundMechanismSubject/ModelReference
 Enzyme inhibitorsRivastigmineAChEIHuman-AD Rösler et al., 1999
GalanthamineAChEIHuman-AD MacGowan et al., 1998
 NicotinicNicotinenAChR agonistHuman-AD White and Levin, 1999
ABT-418nAChR agonistHuman-AD Potter et al., 1999
 MuscarinicXanomelineM1 mAChR agonistHuman-AD Bodick et al., 1997
AF102BM1 mAChR agonistMonkey (aged) O'Neil et al., 1998
SerotonergicsOndansetron5HT3antagonistMonkey (aged) Arnsten et al., 1997
SEC-5795HT3 antagonistMonkey (aged) Arnsten et al., 1997
NoradrenergicsGuanfacineα2AagonistMonkey (aged) Steere and Arnsten, 1997
Clonidineα2A agonistHuman-AD Riekkinen and Riekkinen, 1999
DopaminergicsA77636D1agonistMonkey (aged) Cai and Arnsten, 1997
SKF81297D1 agonistMonkey (aged) Cai and Arnsten, 1997
Aminoacidergics d-CycloserineGlycine partial agonistHuman-AD Schwartz et al., 1996
BioglycinOrally active glycineHuman-adult File et al., 1999
PeptidergicInsulinHormoneHuman-AD Craft et al., 1999
OctreotideSomatostatin analogHuman-AD Craft et al., 1999
BenzoquinonesIdebenoneAntioxidantHuman-AD Weyer et al., 1997
XanthinesPropentofyllineStimulator of NGFHuman-AD Marcusson et al., 1997
Herbal remedies Ginko biloba Antioxidant/neurotrophicHuman-AD Oken et al., 1998
  • mAChR, muscarinic acetylcholine receptor; NGF, nerve growth factor.

  • 1-a  See Table 2 for listing of compounds studied in nonhuman primates at the Medical College of Georgia Animal Behavior Center.