Table 2

Chlorzoxazone-6-hydroxylation and CYP2E1 content in maternal and fetal tissues

SampleChlorzoxazone-6-hydroxylation2-aCYP2E1 Protein2-b
Ad LibitumPair-fed5% EthanolAd LibitumPair-fed5% Ethanol
Maternal liver0.473  ± 0.040.762  ± 0.211.62  ± 0.202-c 14.1  ± 0.6013.8  ± 1.218.4  ± 1.82-d
Maternal brain<0.001<0.001<0.0010.100  ± 0.020.110  ± 0.030.081  ± 0.02
Placenta<0.001<0.002<0.0010.163  ± 0.050.126  ± 0.050.097  ± 0.02
Fetal liver0.029  ± 0.0040.023  ± 0.0080.026  ± 0.0030.813  ± 0.220.871  ± 0.252.24  ± 0.462-d
Fetal brain<0.001<0.001<0.001N.D.N.D.N.D.

Reaction mixtures (1 ml) consisted of 250 μg of microsomal protein in 100 mM KPO4 buffer, pH 7.4, 500 μM chlorzoxazone and 1 mM NADPH. Reactions were started with NADPH and terminated after 30 min at 37°C with 50 μl of 43% phosphoric acid. The metabolite 6-hydroxychlorzoxazone was detected by HPLC analysis. Immunoblots were performed and quantified as described in Materials and Methods.

  • 2-a Values are expressed as nmol product formed/min/mg microsomal protein and represent the mean ± S.E.M. of samples from eight animals or litters per treatment group, except the pair-fed group where the mean represents seven animals or litters. Tissue samples from individual litters were pooled to obtain an adequate amount of microsomal protein.

  • 2-b Values are expressed as OD/μg microsomal protein ×102 and denote the mean ± S.E.M. of samples from dams or litters.

  • 2-c Significantly different from ad libitum and pair-fed (P < .01).

  • 2-d Significantly different from ad libitum and pair-fed (P < .05).

  • N.D., CYP2E1 content was below the limits of detection.