Table 1

Effects of quinolone antibiotics on the uptake of GPFX (5 μM) by isolated rat hepatocytes

Quinolone Concentration (μM)% of Control (PSinf)
10087.0  ± 2.91-a 85.2  ± 4.41-a 90.0  ± 5.378.9  ± 5.21-a 87.7  ± 7.768.3  ± 3.41-b
30082.5  ± 6.01-a 77.9  ± 8.21-a 75.1  ± 3.71-b 71.7  ± 5.01-b 71.9  ± 4.41-b 56.1  ± 2.51-b
1000n.d.1-c 64.6  ± 4.11-b n.d.1-c 59.1  ± 4.51-b 59.0  ± 2.51-b 42.7  ± 3.91-b
  • Each plot represents the mean ± S.E. of 6 to 15 determinations in 2 to 5 different preparations.

  • 1-a P < .05.

  • 1-b P < .01 (significantly different from controls using Dunnett’s test).

  • 1-c n.d., Not determined due to solubility limitations.