Scale for neurologic score of middle cerebral artery occlusion–induced rats

A. Postural reflex
 0: When suspended by the tail, the animal extends both forelimbs toward the floor
 1: Failure to extend the right forepaw fully, with or without wrist flexion
 2: The animal flexes the right forepaw, and the shoulder touches the thorax
 3: The animal rotates the body to the side of the affected forepaw, with a head-to-tail tendency
B. Circling motion
 0: Normal, straight-line locomotion
 1: Open circling to the right side, alternating with locomotion in a straight line
 2: Open but persistent circling to the right
 3: Closed and persistent circling (the animal turns consistently around its vertical axis, with the hindlimbs staying at the same place)
C. Falling to the contralateral side
 0: Absence of falling
 1: Mild, apparent fall. The mandible does not touch the floor
 2: Expressive fall (the right shoulder and mandible touch the floor)
D. Placement of the right forelimb during locomotion
 0: Normal (the rat can use the forelimb well, step-by-step)
 1: Placement of the right forelimb is somewhat hesitant, as if the rat is walking with a “limp”
 2: If the rat moves (circling), then the right forelimb is dragged and stays under the thorax
E. General state of alertness or consciousness
 0: The rat walks spontaneously and responds promptly to different stimuli (e.g., touch, sound, etc.)
 1: If undisturbed, then the animal stays quiet but responds or moves when stimulated
 2: The animal does not move at all, even when touched. It stays prostrated, apparently stuporous, and does not react when touched