Effect of adenosine receptor agonists on GRE-dependent transcription in 2×GRE BEAS-2B luciferase reporter cells

Cells were treated with dexamethasone (1 μM) alone or concurrently with the adenosine-receptor agonist indicated in the table below. Unless stated otherwise the fold enhancement is that produced by the maximally effective concentration of adenosine receptor agonist. Data calculated from Fig. 4A.

TreatmentNp[A]50Maximum Fold InductionFold Enhancement
Bay 60-658314−8.25 ± 0.0810.7 ± 0.647.8 ± 2.94.46
NECA4−7.67 ± 0.0911.0 ± 0.445.8 ± 3.64.16
CV 18088>–5a10.1 ± 0.537.4 ± 2.5a3.70a
CGS 216808>–5a10.6 ± 0.233.0 ± 2.6a3.11a
  • a Full E/[A] curves could not be determined. Fold enhancement is that produced by 100 μM CV 1808 and CGS 21680.