AUC (μmol · h/l) of concentration of ATA and AUC of total concentration of 2-OH-ATA and 4-OH-ATA without and with coincubation of E3S in fresh human hepatocytes, cryopreserved human hepatocytes, and HepaRG cells in suspension at day 0

The significance levels of difference in the average loss of ATA and formation of ATA hydroxy metabolites with and without coincubation of E3S are shown. Results shown are average ± S.D.

CellsExperimentAUC ATAAUC OH-ATA
Fresh hepatocytesATA152 ± 364 ± 20
Fresh hepatocytesATA + E3S (30 μM)191 ± 13*51 ± 23*
Cryo hepatocytesATA164 ± 767 ± 17
Cryo hepatocytesATA + E3S (30 μM)196 ± 23*47 ± 11*
HepaRGATA206 ± 2052 ± 7
HepaRGATA + E3S (30 μM)207 ± 2150 ± 6
  • * , P < 0.05.