Comparison of magnitude of CA1 SRI-type IA currents in hippocampal slices of various species of animals For consistency, data collected using the same agonist application system (U-tube in this case) to induce type IA currents were included here. Numbers in parentheses represent the number of neurons studied.


Peak Amplitude

Net Charge
pA (mean ± S.E.M.) pC (mean ± S.E.M.)
Mouse (21–22 days)a 9.5 ± 1.2 (26) 16 ± 1.2 (17)
Sprague-Dawley rat (17 days)b 98.1 ± 31.2 (15) 302 ± 102 (15)
Sprague-Dawley rat (56–68 days)b 165 ± 28.1 (8) 446 ± 103 (8)
August Copenhagen Irish rat* (21–22 days)c 47.2 ± 8.9 (33) 120 ± 18.5 (30)
Guinea pigs (16–19 days)d
156 ± 46.7 (18)
631 ± 151 (18)
  • * Both males and females were used in this study. In all other studies mentioned above, only male animals were used

  • a Alkondon et al. (2004)

  • b Alkondon et al. (2007a)

  • c Alkondon et al. (2007b)

  • d This study