Ethanol intoxication results partly from actions of ethanol at specific ligand-gated ion channels. One such channel is the GABAA receptor complex, although ethanol's effects on GABAA receptors are variable. For example, we found that hippocampal neurons from selectively bred mice and rats with high hypnotic sensitivity to ethanol have increased GABAAreceptor-mediated synaptic responses during acute ethanol treatment compared with mice and rats that display low behavioral sensitivity to ethanol. Here we investigate whether specific protein kinase C (PKC) isozymes modulate hypnotic and GABAA receptor sensitivity to ethanol. We examined acute effects of ethanol on GABAAreceptor-mediated inhibitory postsynaptic currents (IPSCs) in mice lacking either PKCγ (PKCγ−/−) or PKCε (PKCε−/−) isozymes and compared the results to those from corresponding wild-type littermates (PKCγ+/+ and PKCε+/+). GABAA receptor-mediated IPSCs were evoked in CA1 pyramidal neurons by electrical stimulation in stratum pyramidale, and the responses were recorded in voltage-clamp mode using whole-cell patch recording techniques. Ethanol (80 mM) enhanced the IPSC response amplitude and area in PKCγ+/+mice, but not in the PKCγ−/− mice. In contrast, ethanol markedly potentiated IPSCs in the PKCε−/− mice, but not in PKCε+/+ littermates. There was a positive correlation between ethanol potentiation of IPSCs and the ethanol-induced loss of righting reflex such that mice with larger ethanol-induced increases in GABAA receptor-mediated IPSCs also had higher hypnotic sensitivity to ethanol. These results suggest that PKCγ and PKCε signaling pathways reciprocally modulate both ethanol enhancement of GABAA receptor function and hypnotic sensitivity to ethanol.
The mechanisms of ethanol intoxication are complex and involve many regions of the brain. Although alcohol was once thought to act nonselectively to modify lipid mobility in neuronal plasma membranes, it is now clear that ethanol interacts at specific neuronal proteins, including some voltage- and ligand-gated ion channels (Lovinger, 1997; Mihic, 1999). In general, acute ethanol treatment decreases excitation via suppression of anN-methyl-d-aspartate-activated current and increases inhibition by enhancing GABAA receptor-mediated conductance, although there is large variability in the reported effects of ethanol on these and other receptor-channel complexes (Crews et al., 1996). The GABAA receptor complex is the primary mediator of fast inhibitory neurotransmission in the central nervous system and is an important target of anesthetic compounds (Mihic et al., 1994;Harris, 1999). Ethanol has a considerable range of effects on GABAA receptor-mediated responses. For example, intoxicating concentrations of ethanol enhance GABAA receptor-mediated Cl− flux in brain synaptosomal or microsac preparations (Allan and Harris, 1986) and in cultured neurons (Mehta and Ticku, 1994). Electrophysiological studies have shown that ethanol increases GABAA receptor function in some brain preparations (Aguayo, 1990; Reynolds et al., 1992; Weiner et al., 1997a; Soldo et al., 1998; Nie et al., 2000; Poelchen et al., 2000), but reports from other studies have found no significant ethanol potentiation (Osmanovic and Shefner, 1990; White et al., 1990).
Our laboratory previously identified a GABAergic synaptic region on CA1 pyramidal cells at, or near, the cell soma that is consistently potentiated by ethanol (Weiner et al., 1997a), but the outer dendrites have little or no ethanol modulation. This observation might account for much of the confusion over ethanol's action in the CA1 hippocampal region in brain slices. One possible reason for these ethanol-sensitive and -insensitive areas is that various synapses contain receptors that differ in subunit composition and thereby display differences in ethanol sensitivity. Genetic factors are also involved in mediating ethanol sensitivity of GABAA receptors. Studies of acute ethanol treatment on GABA- or muscimol-stimulated Cl− flux in isolated brain microsacs (Allan and Harris, 1986) and GABAA receptor-mediated inhibitory postsynaptic currents (IPSCs; Poelchen et al., 2000) both show robust differences in lines of mice and rats selectively bred for differences in initial sensitivity to the hypnotic effects of ethanol, as measured by the duration of the ethanol-induced loss of the righting reflex (LORR or sleep time). Ethanol (80 mM) significantly increases GABAA responses in CA1 pyramidal cells in hippocampal brain slices from high alcohol-sensitive (HAS1 and HAS2) rat and inbred long sleep mouse lines that are highly sensitive to the hypnotic effects of ethanol (Draski et al., 1992). Moreover, low alcohol-sensitive (LAS1 and LAS2) rats and the inbred short sleep mice, the corresponding selected lines that are relatively insensitive to ethanol, do not show a significant change in pyramidal cell GABAA IPSCs after 80 mM ethanol treatment. These findings provide strong evidence that GABAAreceptors are a specific target of ethanol action that, at least in part, mediates the hypnotic sensitivity to ethanol. The findings also suggest that there are genetic factors that modulate GABAA receptors and hypnotic sensitivity in parallel.
Studies in our laboratories (Messing et al., 1991; Weiner et al., 1997b) and others (but see Deitrich et al., 1989; Mironov and Hermann, 1996; Gordon et al., 1997) suggest that protein kinase C (PKC) is involved in responses to ethanol. Previous studies of PKCγ and PKCε wild-type and null mutant mice suggest a role for these PKC isozymes in regulating initial sensitivity to the hypnotic effects of ethanol and ethanol potentiation of GABAergic function as measured by Cl− flux in brain microsac preparations from these animals (Harris et al., 1995; Bowers et al., 1999; Hodge et al., 1999). PKCγ−/− mice demonstrate reduced sensitivity to the hypnotic effects of ethanol compared with PKCγ+/+ wild-type controls and show reduced ethanol potentiation of muscimol-stimulated Cl−flux in microsacs prepared from PKCγ−/−cerebellum and cerebral cortex (Harris et al., 1995). In contrast, ethanol-induced sleep time and ethanol potentiation of muscimol-stimulated Cl− are greater in the PKCε null mutants than in the wild-type littermates (Hodge et al., 1999). Because changes in PKC activity might be one of the mechanisms regulating the enhancement of the hippocampal GABAA receptor-mediated IPSCs by ethanol, we tested animals lacking PKCγ or PKCε to determine whether either or both of these PKC isozymes affect ethanol action at GABAergic synapses.
Materials and Methods
Adult (3- to 6-month-old) mice were used from two lines of animals having a mutation in one of the PKC isozymes, ε or γ. Male and female PKCγ null mutant (PKCγ−/−) and PKCγ wild-type (PKCγ+/+) mice were derived from a 129/SvevTac × C57BL/6J background as described previously (Harris et al., 1995; Bowers et al., 1999). Male and female PKCε null mutant (PKCε−/−) and PKCε wild-type (PKCε+/+) mice were derived from a 129SvJae × C57BL/6J background (Hodge et al., 1999).
Sleep Times.
Mice were injected with a single i.p. dose of 3.5 g/kg ethanol (20%, w/v) and were placed in a V-shaped trough after becoming ataxic. They were then monitored for the time required to regain their righting response three times in a 30-s time period. The time between initial loss and the recovery of the righting reflex was recorded as the “sleep time” or duration of the LORR. At the time of righting, a blood sample from the retro-orbital sinus was taken and the concentration of ethanol was determined as described previously (Harris et al., 1995).
Slice Preparation, Storage, and Recording Bath Conditions.
Mice were killed by cervical dislocation, and their brains were rapidly removed and immersed in either ice-cold artificial cerebrospinal fluid (aCSF) or high-sucrose buffer for 60 s to cool the interior of the brain. The aCSF consisted of: 126 mM NaCl, 3.0 mM KCl, 1.5 mM MgCl2, 2.4 mM CaCl2, 1.2 mM NaH2PO4, 11 mMd-glucose, and 25.9 mM NaHCO3. The high-sucrose buffer contained 87 mM NaCl, 2.5 mM KCl, 7 mM MgCl2, 0.5 mM CaCl2, 1.25 mM NaH2PO4, 25 mMd-glucose, 75 mM sucrose, and 25 mM NaHCO3 (Geiger and Jonas, 2000). The buffers were continuously oxygenated with 95% O2/5% CO2. After removing one or both hippocampi from the brain, 400-μm-thick transverse slices were made using a Sorvall tissue chopper (Sorvall, Newtown, CT). The slices were temporarily submerged in ice-cold aCSF or high-sucrose buffer until all the slices were collected, and then were transferred to individual compartments in a storage system that was constantly perfused with 95% O2/5% CO2 (Proctor and Dunwiddie, 1999; Weiner, 2002) containing either aCSF or a 50:50 mix of aCSF and high-sucrose buffer at 32–33°C. Slices were stored in this condition for 1 to 10 h and then transferred via large-mouth Pasteur pipette to a nylon net in a recording chamber (0.5-ml volume) and constantly superfused with bubbled aCSF at a rate of 2.0 ml/min at 32–33°C.
Electrophysiological Recording.
Patch microelectrodes were constructed from borosilicate glass capillary tubes (1.5 mm o.d., 0.86 mm i.d.; Sutter Instrument Co., Novato, CA) and pulled apart under a heated platinum/iridium filament (model P-87 micro-pipette puller; Sutter Instrument Co.) to a tip size of approximately 1 μm in diameter, having resistances of 6 to 9 MΩ when filled with a K+-glucose internal solution containing 130 mM K-glucose, 0.8 mM KCl, 0.1 mM CaCl2, 2.0 mM MgCl2, 1.0 mM EGTA, 10.0 mM HEPES, 2.0 mM Mg-ATP, and 0.3 mM Na-GTP, adjusted to pH 7.3 with KOH, 290 mOsm. CA1 pyramidal neurons were recorded in the whole-cell configuration. The cells were voltage-clamped to −60 mV (corrected for the liquid-junction potential) from the normal resting membrane potential (−65 to −70 mV) to reduce any contamination of the GABAA IPSC response by small, slow GABAB currents. GABAA receptor-mediated IPSC responses were evoked (200 μs, 4- to 10-V pulse) with a bipolar tungsten, stimulating electrode at 30- to 60-s intervals positioned in the stratum pyramidale within 300 μm of the whole-cell recording electrode. This stimulation-recording paradigm evoked synaptic responses predominantly from proximal inputs (i.e., GABAA responses from interneurons that synapse on or near the soma of the recorded pyramidal cell), which were modulated by ethanol in several rat and mouse lines (Weiner et al., 1997a;Poelchen et al., 2000). All chemicals used to prepare electrode solutions were purchased from Fluka Chemical Corp. (Ronkonkoma, NY).
To pharmacologically isolate GABAA receptor-mediated IPSCs, 6,7-dinitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (DNQX; 20 μM final chamber bath concentration) and dl-(−)-2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid (APV; 50 μM) were added to the superfusate to block α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxalone propionic acid andN-methyl-d-aspartate excitatory postsynaptic responses, respectively. In some experiments, the GABAB receptor antagonist (CGP 35348) was added to facilitate measuring GABAA receptor-mediated responses. Except as noted elsewhere, all drugs were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO). The drugs were prepared as 50- to 100-fold concentrates in 12-ml syringes (Monojet, polypropylene; Sherwood-Davis & Geck, St. Louis, MO) and were added to the superfusate via syringe pumps (Razel Scientific Instruments, Stamford, CT). Ethanol was diluted to a 5.0 M working solution with deionized water from a 95% stock solution and stored cold in sealed glass bottles before loading into a 12-ml syringe. For these studies, a concentration of 80 mM ethanol was used since it approximates the average blood and brain levels (360 mg/100 ml) measured when mice regain their righting reflex (Draski et al., 1992).
Data Analysis.
After a 20- to 30-min superfusion with DNQX and APV, the stimulus intensity was adjusted to produce a GABAA receptor-mediated IPSC of 20 to 120 pA peak amplitude. For each cell tested, the peak amplitude and the area under the curve of the GABAA response were measured before, during, and after ethanol treatment (80 mM) to determine the effect of ethanol on the GABAA response. The percentage change in the amplitude and the area under the curve for each recorded cell was determined during the 5- to 15-min interval after the start of ethanol superfusion. These results were compared with the mean value of the control and washout periods (the washout measurement was begun 20–30 min after the end of the ethanol treatment). Membrane resistance and holding current were also monitored for each cell.
Statistical Analysis.
Sleep time and electrophysiological data were analyzed using two-tailed Student's paired and unpairedt tests, or two-way analysis of variance as indicated. Pearson's product-moment correlation analysis was done to evaluate the association between ethanol-induced sleep time values and the effect of ethanol on GABAA IPSC enhancement. In all tests, a P value less than 0.05 was considered to be statistically significant.
The first set of experiments was designed to compare ethanol-induced behavioral effects among the four groups of mice: PKCγ wild-type (PKCγ+/+), PKCγ null mutant (PKCγ−/−), PKCε wild-type (PKCε+/+), and PKCε null mutant (PKCε−/−). The duration of LORR was measured after intraperitoneal administration of 3.5 g/kg ethanol. PKCγ−/− mice were significantly less sensitive to ethanol than PKCγ+/+ littermate controls (Fig. 1A). In contrast, PKCε−/− mice were significantly more sensitive to ethanol than their wild-type (PKCε+/+) littermates (Fig. 1B). Within the two wild-type genotypes, PKCγ+/+ and PKCε+/+, LORR responses were also significantly different. The PKCγ and PKCε lines are derived from two different 129 inbred strains crossed to C57BL/6J; i.e., 129/SvevTac × C57BL/6J and 129SvJae × C57BL/6J, respectively. There is considerable genetic variation among the 129 substrains (Simpson et al., 1997); therefore, it is not unexpected that phenotypic differences were observed between the respective wild-type mice due to the two different background 129 strains used. Several studies have reported differences in behavior among the 129 strains (for review, see Simpson et al., 1997).
We also analyzed each genotype for its blood ethanol concentration at the time of regaining the righting reflex, excluding values from mice that did not lose the reflex after ethanol injection (Table1). This provides an indication of changes in central nervous system sensitivity as opposed to alterations in metabolic rates of ethanol elimination. Previous reports have shown that ethanol elimination rates do not differ between mutant and wild-type mice for either the PKCγ (Harris et al., 1995) or the PKCε mice (Hodge et al., 1999). Within each line of mice, the genotypes with the shortest sleep time, PKCγ−/− and PKCε+/+, awoke with higher blood ethanol concentrations than the corresponding genotypes of each line, indicating that the differences in sleep times between the genotypes within a line were not simply due to differences in the rate of ethanol metabolism.
Electrophysiological recordings were made from CA1 pyramidal neurons in hippocampal slices from PKCγ and PKCε mutant mice and from their wild-type littermates. After blocking glutamatergic responses with DNQX and APV, the remaining responses were mediated primarily via GABAA receptors, but in some instances there was a small, late component on the falling phase of the IPSC that could be blocked by addition of CGP 55845 (Tocris Cookson Inc., Ballwin, MO), a selective GABAB receptor antagonist (data not shown). Because this late component was small and did not overlap significantly with the peak of the GABAAresponse, CGP 55845 was not normally used in these recordings. Ethanol enhanced the amplitude and area under the curve for GABAA receptor-mediated IPSCs in slices from the PKCγ+/+ mice (Fig.2A), but no ethanol effect was observed in slices from PKCγ−/− mice (Fig. 2B). In contrast, IPSCs in slices from PKCε−/− mice (Fig. 2D) showed greater enhancement during ethanol application than did IPSCs measured in slices from their wild-type littermates (Fig.2C). These representative tracings showed that enhancement of the peak GABAA IPSC response appeared in PKCγ+/+ and PKCε−/−slices within 5 min after initial exposure to ethanol (Fig.3, A and B), whereas there was no significant enhancement of the peak response in PKCγ−/− and PKCε+/+slices. There was no detectable short-term desensitization or tolerance during the ethanol application, and recovery to baseline required approximately 5 to 10 min following the completion of the ethanol application. The GABAA response in the ethanol-sensitive animals was similar to what we have previously reported in other lines of rats and mice, requiring 3 to 8 min of ethanol superfusion to obtain maximal enhancement of the IPSC (Poelchen et al., 2000). Analysis of the IPSC peak amplitude on all tested cells revealed that PKCγ−/− neurons are much less sensitive to ethanol enhancement of GABAAreceptor-mediated IPSCs than are their wild-type control neurons (Fig.4A), whereas PKCε−/− neurons are more sensitive to ethanol modulation than the corresponding wild-type neurons (Fig. 4B).
We also measured the holding current, the cell membrane resistance, and the area under the curve for GABAA IPSCs during ethanol application (Table 2). In the presence of ethanol, there was a small (∼10 pA) increase in the holding current in neurons from both lines of wild-type mice and for PKCε null mice; only the holding current in neurons from PKCγ null mutants was not significantly affected by ethanol. Membrane resistance was not significantly altered by ethanol in any of the slices, but differential effects of ethanol on measurements of the area under the GABAA IPSC curve closely paralleled increases in the peak amplitude measurements.
To examine the relationship between ethanol's effect on behavior and GABAA IPSCs, a regression analysis was conducted (Fig. 5). There was a strong, significant correlation (r2 = 0.95;P < 0.05) between the enhancing effect of ethanol on the GABAA IPSC and the duration of the LORR.
We have previously reported that increases in PKC activity enhance the ethanol sensitivity of GABAA receptors in rat hippocampal pyramidal neurons (Weiner et al., 1997b). Mice deficient in one of two isozymes of PKC, PKCγ and PKCε, were examined for the role of these isozymes in the ethanol-induced modulation of hippocampal GABAA receptor-mediated IPSCs. Slices from these mice had different electrophysiological responses to ethanol (80 mM), suggesting that ethanol sensitivity of GABAAsynapses is modulated by PKCγ and PKCε. Because there is generally little difference between PKC isozymes in in vitro substrate specificity (Mochly-Rosen and Gordon, 1998), differences in subcellular localization due to protein-protein interactions, or tissue distribution, and differences in responses to second messengers are likely to account for these differential effects. Within the same cells, the subcellular distribution of these enzymes is likely to be different because activated PKCε binds to F-actin (Prekeris et al., 1996) and the cotamer protein β′-COP (RACK2) (Csukai et al., 1997), but PKCγ does not. In the CA1 region of the rat hippocampus, the tissue distribution of these isozymes also differs. There, PKCγ is located in the cell body, dendrites, and dendritic spines of pyramidal neurons (Kose et al., 1990). PKCγ might also associate with receptor subunits in hippocampus because in rat cerebral cortex it can be coimmunoprecipitated with GABAA α1 and α4 subunits (Kumar et al., 2002). In contrast, PKCε is found in rat CA1 stratum radiatum near synaptic vesicles, but not in postsynaptic dendrites or pyramidal cell bodies (Saito et al., 1993). In addition to differences in hippocampal localization, PKCγ can be activated by calcium, whereas PKCε cannot.
The findings of the present study are in agreement with our previous results, (Poelchen et al., 2000) which demonstrate a relationship between behavioral sensitivity to ethanol in selected lines of rodents and in vitro ethanol sensitivity of hippocampal GABAergic synapses. The strong correlation between ethanol's effects on GABAA receptor-mediated IPSCs and sleep times in these PKC wild-type and mutant mice suggests that modulation of GABAA receptors by these isozymes contributes to the hypnotic effects of ethanol. The correlation between hypnotic sensitivity and hippocampal IPSCs may not reflect a cause and effect relationship since the hippocampus is not thought to mediate hypnotic responses. However, these PKC isozymes are expressed in the cerebral cortex, which is important for wakefulness, and previous Cl− flux studies have shown enhanced ethanol modulation of GABAA receptors in PKCε−/− mice (Hodge et al., 1999) and reduced modulation in PKCγ−/− mice (Harris et al., 1995) in cortical tissue. Therefore, this correlation between behavioral sensitivity and GABAAreceptor-mediated responses to hypnotic concentrations of ethanol is likely to hold for other brain areas, such as the cerebral cortex, which play a role in hypnotic responses to drugs. The fact that wild-type littermates of the two mouse lines exhibited different responses to ethanol in both assays suggests that within these two lines there are parallel polymorphisms in other genes that regulate GABAA receptors and sleep time. Several quantitative trait loci for hypnotic sensitivity to ethanol have been identified in mice using recombinant inbred strains (LS × SS and C57BL/6J × DBA/2J) (Markel et al., 1997; Browman and Crabbe, 2000). It is likely that allelic differences between 129SvJae and 129/SvevTac lines account for the differences in ethanol sleep time and synaptic function that we observed in the wild-type mice.
A limitation of our study is that we used conventional knockout mice, so it is possible that the phenotypes resulted from a developmental change rather than absence of PKCγ or PKCε signaling in adult tissues. As previously reported, the selective PKCε inhibitor peptide, εV1-2, enhances ethanol and flunitrazepam potentiation of muscimol-stimulated GABAA receptor function in tissue from wild-type but not PKCε null mice (Hodge et al., 1999), suggesting that it is the absence of PKCε in adult neurons and not altered development that accounts for enhanced GABAA receptor sensitivity in PKCε null mice. It was recently reported that transgenic restoration of PKCε, by means of a tetracycline-regulated prion promoter that drives expression mainly in neurons, rescues the altered sleep time phenotype in PKCε null mice (Choi et al., 2002). This finding suggests that the changes in hypnotic sensitivity in PKCε null mice are unlikely to be due to altered development. Similar studies have not been performed in PKCγ null mice.
The relationship that we found between sleep time and modulation of GABAA receptor-mediated IPSCs in these mice is also true for ethanol enhancement of muscimol-stimulated, GABAA-mediated Cl− flux measurements in brain microsac preparations (Harris et al., 1995; Hodge et al., 1999). In cerebellar tissue from PKCγ−/− mice, ethanol potentiation of muscimol-stimulated Cl− flux was completely eliminated and was significantly reduced in cortical tissue compared with PKCγ+/+ controls. In contrast, in PKCε−/− mice, ethanol enhancement of muscimol-stimulated Cl− flux in frontal cortex was significantly greater than in PKCε+/+controls. Therefore, the pattern of ethanol potentiation of chloride flux in these knockout mice is in agreement with the present results showing differential modulation by ethanol of hippocampal GABAA IPSCs.
There is considerable variability in ethanol sensitivity in studies of ethanol effects on GABAA responses in nonselected lines of rodents, even in studies of what would seem to be the same receptors in the same population of cells (Proctor et al., 1992a,b; Wan et al., 1996; Weiner et al., 1997a; Peoples and Weight, 1999). This suggests that ethanol sensitivity must depend on a specific combination of factors. One such variable is the subpopulation of GABAA receptors activated by synaptic stimulation. Previous work by Pearce (1993) demonstrated that there are populations of GABAA synapses on CA1 pyramidal neurons that differ in a variety of respects, including their kinetic properties, and sensitivity to pharmacological agents such as furosemide. Our studies in Sprague-Dawley rats have shown that distal GABAA-mediated IPSCs are less sensitive to ethanol than are proximal IPSCs (Weiner et al., 1997a). In the present study, PKCγ- and PKCε-related changes in ethanol sensitivity were limited to proximal IPSCs, and there were no significant differences in distal GABAA-mediated responses in these mice (data not shown). Therefore, it is likely that other factors besides PKCγ and PKCε account for the differential sensitivity of proximal and distal GABAergic synapses to ethanol.
In summary, the present results extend our earlier findings that selected rat and mouse lines that are behaviorally more sensitive to ethanol have greater ethanol-induced enhancement of GABAA receptor-mediated responses than do animals that are less sensitive to the behavioral effects of ethanol (Poelchen et al., 2000). The present data reveal a strong correlation between the sedative-hypnotic sensitivity to ethanol and the enhancement of GABAA receptor-mediated responses during ethanol treatment in the PKC null mutants and their wild-type mouse lines. These results also suggest that PKC is involved in the mechanism that underlies the modulation of the GABAA response in animals that are more sensitive to the behavioral effects of ethanol.
The financial support of Department of Veterans Affairs-Merit Review to T.V.D. and W.R.P.; National Institutes of Health (NIH) Grant AA03527 to T.V.D., W.R.P., J.M.W. and B.J.B.; NIH Grant AA11275 to J.M.W. and B.J.B.; NIH Grant AA00141 and a Research Career Award to J.M.W; and NIH Grant AA13588 to R.O.M. is acknowledged.
DOI: 10.1124/jpet.102.045450
- Abbreviations:
- inhibitory postsynaptic current
- loss of righting reflex
- PKCγ+/+ and PKCγ−/−
- wild-type and null mutant mouse lines for the γ-protein kinase C isoform
- PKCε+/+ and PKCε−/−
- wild-type and null mutant mouse lines for the ε-protein kinase C isoform
- aCSF
- artificial cerebrospinal fluid
- 6,7-dinitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione
- dl-(−)-2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid
- CGP 35348
- (3-aminopropyl)(diethoxymethyl)phosphinic acid
- Received October 9, 2002.
- Accepted December 17, 2002.
- U.S. Government