Comparison of the intrinsic efficacy profiles of α5IA, DMCM, FG 7142, and diazepam

Values shown are mean ± S.E.M. of four to nine separate determinations.

Human Recombinant GABAA Receptors Containing β3, γ2 Plus
α1 α2 α3 α5
α5IA % modulationa -18 ± 3 +13 ± 3 -7 ± 4 -40 ± 1
EC50, nMb N.C. N.C. N.C. 2.2 ± 0.2
DMCM % modulation -71 ± 1 -53 ± 3 -62 ± 2 -57 ± 1
EC50, nM 3.9 3.7 2.4 1.2
FG 7142 % modulation -47 ± 2 -38 ± 6 -40 ± 5 -35 ± 4
EC50, nM 137 5.7 1020 1439
Diazepam % modulation 103 ± 14 135 ± 11 118 ± 28 106 ± 3
EC50, nM 27 19 48 17
  • N.C., not calculated because of small responses producing poorly defined concentration-effect curves.

  • a Values for % modulation are the maximum effects of compound on the current produced by an EC20-equivalent concentration of GABA with negative and positive values representing an attenuation (inverse agonism) or potentiation (agonism), respectively.

  • b The EC50 represents the concentration at which compound produces an effect that is 50% of the maximum at that particular subtype.