The molar urinary G/S ratio during single and repeated dose administration in neonates, infants, children, and adults

All G/S ratios were reported by their molar urinary ratio to make results of different populations comparable.


Way and Route

Age Characteristics

Urinary Molar G/S Ratio
Miller et al. (1976) Single, oral Adults 2
Hendrix-Treacy et al. (1986) Single, oral Adults 2
Hendrix-Treacy et al. (1986) Multiple, oral Adults 2.8
Miller et al. (1976) Single, oral Children, 3-9 years 0.75
Van der Marel et al. (2003) Multiple, enteral Infants; mean, 11 months 0.69
Levy et al. (1975) Single, oral Term neonates 0.27
Allegaert et al. (2005)
Multiple, intravenous
Term neonates