Dopamine uptake inhibition potencies and binding affinities of structurally diverse DAT inhibitors at CHO cells stably expressing WT or D79E DAT


[3H]Dopamine uptake
    WIN 35,428a 74 ± 17 71 ± 12
    4-ARA-127 1630 ± 200 1540 ± 120
    Cocainea 555 ± 29 1126 ± 32b
    8-Oxa-norcocaine 9777 ± 1489 8196 ± 340
    Mazindola 31 ± 3 47 ± 4
    Methylphenidatea 152 ± 20 161 ± 9
    Benztropine 160 ± 37 19 ± 3b
    GBR-12,909 15 ± 3 14 ± 3
    Rimcazole 643 ± 43 691 ± 76
[3H]WIN 35,428 inhibition
    WIN 35,428a 20 ± 1c 68 ± 4b
    4-ARA-127 3300 ± 40c 1570 ± 210b
    Cocainea 128 ± 5c 1066 ± 84b
    8-Oxa-norcocaine 1564 ± 212c 5533 ± 653b,c
    Mazindola 13 ± 1c 41 ± 3b
    Methylphenidatea 57 ± 3c 167 ± 2b
    Benztropine 127 ± 22 51 ± 5b,c
    GBR-12,909 31 ± 5 40 ± 9
180 ± 26c
226 ± 38c
  • a Data from Wang et al. (2003).

  • b p < 0.05 vs. WT DAT for that assay.

  • c p < 0.05 for WIN inhibition vs. dopamine uptake at the same DAT construct.