Statistical tests of dose effects of LY341495 followed by an injection of 1 mg/kg LY379268 on the NREM EEG in dark period hours 7 to 12 Results of ANOVAs with dose as a grouping factor and saline values as covariates.

Frequency NREM Wake
1–4 Hz 9.08 0.0007 4.47 0.016
4–6 Hz 4.93 0.011 4.81 0.013
6–10 Hz 2.14 0.13 7.86 0.0015
10–20 Hz 4.07 0.023 4.13 0.022
20–30 Hz 8.29 0.0011 10.05 0.0004
30–50 Hz 13.97 <0.0001 13.55 0.0001