A comparison of the cell depth, C-fibre threshold, and predrug neuronal responses to electrical and natural stimuli in naive, carageenan, and SNL rats

Data for the electrical-evoked responses are expressed as the mean number of action potentials (APs) evoked by a train of 16 electrical stimuli at 3 times the threshold for C-fibres. Data for natural stimuli are expressed as the number of APs evoked during the 10-s period for which the stimulus was applied.



Cell depth (μm) 670 ± 27 674 ± 38 613 ± 49
C-fibre threshold (mA) 2.4 ± 0.2 2.2 ± 0.2 2.3 ± 0.2
Electrically evoked response (APs)
Aβ-fibre evoked response 96 ± 9 104 ± 11 88 ± 9
Aδ-fibre evoked response 70 ± 12 75 ± 7 94 ± 12
C-fibre evoked response 395 ± 48 376 ± 29 314 ± 54
Wind-up 252 ± 71 204 ± 20 196 ± 57
Naturally evoked response (APs)
Brush 605 ± 72 623 ± 43 594 ± 64
Heat 632 ± 85 648 ± 61 535 ± 77
von Frey 9g 202 ± 49 216 ± 25 174 ± 35
von Frey 75g
657 ± 90
706 ± 68
610 ± 90