Inhibition of CD3-induced proliferation and cytokine production in purified human CD4+ lymphocytes by ciclesonide, des-CIC, the respective 2′S-epimers BYK20427 and BYK20433, and by budesonide

Highly purified human CD4+ lymphocytes were stimulated with a combination of a CD3 mAb and a CD28 mAb in the presence or absence of seven concentrations of steroids ranging from 10−6 to 10−12 M. After 72 h, the incorporation of [3H]thymidine and the synthesis of cytokines were measured. Efficacy of inhibition was 80% for proliferation, and for synthesis of cytokines 90% (IL-2), 70 % (IL4), 90 % (IL-5), 90% (IFN-γ). IC50 values denote half-maximal inhibition and were determined using nonlinear regression. In general, six to eight concentration-inhibition curves were evaluated to calculate an average IC50. For inhibition of IL-4 synthesis, only three to four concentration-inhibition curves were evaluated as some cell preparations produced very low titers of IL-4.


IC50 (nM)
Ciclesonide BYK20426 1.4 [7]a (0.6-2.9)b 0.7 [7] (0.5-1.0) 0.8 [4] (0.3-2.0) 0.5 [7] (0.3-0.8) 1.5 [7] (0.9-2.4)
Des-CIC BYK20432 0.2 [7] (0.1-0.5) 0.2 [7] (0.1-0.3) 0.8 [4] (0.2-2.4) 0.2 [7] (0.1-0.3) 0.4 [8] (0.2-0.6)
BYK20427 10.0 [7] (5.8-18) 1.7 [6] (0.7-4.1) 4.7 [4] (1.4-16) 2.9 [6] (1.5-6.0) 10.4 [5] (7.0-15)
BYK20433 2.9 [6] (1.5-5.8) 1.5 [6] (0.9-2.5) 1.8 [4] (0.9-4.0) 1.0 [6] (0.6-1.7) 2.7 [6] (1.7-4.3)
1.3 [8] (0.8-2.1)
0.2 [7] (0.07-0.7)
0.3 [3] (0.2-0.5)
0.2 [7] (0.1-0.3)
0.7 [7] (0.5-1.1)
  • a Italic numerals in brackets show the number of experiments.

  • b 95% confidence interval.