Table 1

Effect of ERBF on IL-8-induced chemotaxis

TreatmentFluorescence Intensity
Nontreatment84.3  ± 7.4
IL-8, 20 ng/ml2635.3  ± 282.8
ERBF, 20 μM122.5  ± 20.8
IL-8, 20 ng/ml + monoclonal antibody, 5 μg527.6  ± 50.3
 IL-8, 20 ng/ml
+ ERBF, 20 μM (top well)2869.7  ± 297.4
+ ERBF, 20 μM (bottom well)2418.5  ± 397.3

CSFE-labeled PMNLs (1 × 105) or 20 ng/ml of rhIL-8 were added to the top chamber or bottom chamber, respectively. ERBF (20 μM) was added to the top or bottom chamber, and 5 μg of anti-IL-8 monoclonal antibody was added to the bottom chamber. After 4-h incubation at 37°C, fluorescence intensity of the bottom chamber residue was measured by fluorometry. Values represent mean ± S.E. of three or four experiments.