Table 1

In vivo pharmacokinetics of midazolam in rats

Intravenous (5 mg/kg)Intragastric (15 mg/kg)
ControlWith KetoconazoleControlWith Ketoconazole
C max(ng/ml)114 (±13)1-150 698 (±11)1-150
Elimination half-life (h)0.49 (±0.05)0.61 (±0.02)1.03 (±0.15)0.98 (±0.10)
Total AUC (ng/ml × h)1051 (±14)1-150 1528 (±22)1-150 237 (±28)1-150 1534 (±26)1-150
Volume of distribution (l/kg)3.1 (±0.6)2.7 (±0.2)
Clearance (ml/min/kg)79 (±2)1-150 55 (±2)1-150 1054 (±97)1-150 163 (±4)1-150
NetF 0.11 (±0.4)1-150 0.36 (±0.06)1-150

Values represent the mean (±S.E.), n = 4. Because of an outlying value in one animal in the intragastric control condition, values of Cmax, AUC, and clearance were subjected to logarithmic transformation for purposes of averaging.

  • 1-150  Indicates significant difference (p< 0.05) between control and ketoconazole conditions based on pairedt test on ranks.