Table 1

Mean ED50 values in mg/kg (±S.E.M.) for morphine or heroin administered alone or after pretreatment with naltrexone or 3-methoxynaltrexone in monkeys trained in a warm water tail-withdrawal assay (n = 3) and monkeys trained to discriminate heroin (n = 3)

TreatmentAntinociception ED50Substitution ED50Rate Suppression ED50
 Morphine alone5.82 (2.02)0.87 (0.27)2.28 (0.82)
  +0.0032 Naltrexone11.37 (2.50)2.52 (0.68)1-150 5.52 (0.89)1-150
  +0.01 Naltrexone43.12 (0.53)1-150 6.79 (0.21)1-150 12.57 (2.69)1-150
  +0.032 Naltrexone72.52 (6.55)1-150 16.69 (3.22)24.59 (5.54)1-150
Heroin alone0.30 (0.06)0.05 (0.02)0.14 (0.03)
  +0.0032 Naltrexone0.30 (0.13)0.11 (0.05)0.18 (0.04)
  +0.01 Naltrexone1.33 (0.01)1-150 0.18 (0.04)1-150 0.45 (0.16)1-150
  +0.032 Naltrexone1.70 (0.25)1-150 1.01 (0.55)0.87 (0.24)1-150
  +0.1 Naltrexone7.16 (0.26)1-150 N.T.N.T.
 Morphine alone5.82 (2.02)0.88 (0.26)3.33 (1.82)
  +0.1 3-Methoxynaltrexone4.90 (0.88)N.T.N.T.
  +0.32 3-Methoxynaltrexone22.39 (0.74)1-150 2.77 (1.92)6.27 (0.67)
  +1.0 3-Methoxynaltrexone31.90 (7.90)1-150 6.31 (3.85)1-151 18.14 (3.97)1-150
  +3.2 3-Methoxynaltrexone62.13 (10.27)1-150 N.D.N.D.
 Heroin alone0.30 (0.06)0.05 (0.02)0.16 (0.01)
  +0.32 3-Methoxynaltrexone0.50 (0.03)1-150 0.13 (0.04)0.33 (0.05)
  +1.0 3-Methoxynaltrexone1.66 (0.24)1-150 0.37 (0.15)1-151 0.63 (0.15)1-150
  +3.2 3-Methoxynaltrexone1.85 (0.25)1-150 N.D.N.D.
  • N.D., not determined; N.T., not tested.

  • 1-150  Significantly different from morphine or heroin alone (pvalues < 0.05).

  • 1-151  Data not submitted to statistical analyses (see text). However, 1.0 mg/kg 3-methoxynaltrexone produced rightward or downward shifts in heroin and morphine substitution dose-effect curves in all three monkeys.