Table 2

PVN CRF mRNA response to chronic variable stress: effect of venlafaxine treatment

Brain RegionSalineSaline + StressVenlafaxineVenlafaxine +Stress
PVN100  ± 7 (8)129  ± 6 (7)114  ± 7 (9)92  ± 12 (8)2-150
CeA (left)100  ± 9 (6)96  ± 12 (7)80  ± 18 (7)119  ± 6 (8)
Dorsolateral BNST100  ± 6 (7)97  ± 8 (7)117  ± 9 (7)2-150 116  ± 11 (7)
Ventral BNST100  ± 7 (7)92  ± 6 (7)94  ± 9 (7)92  ± 5 (7)

Rats received 26-day venlafaxine (30 mg/kg/day) or saline treatment and received either no stress or chronic variable stress during the last 2 weeks. CRF mRNA expression was determined in the indicated regions by in situ hybridization histochemistry; results are given as mean percentage of control ± S.E.M. (n).

  • 2-150P < 0.05, two-way ANOVA for drug-stress interaction in the PVN, venlafaxine effect in the dorsolateral BNST.