Table 1

Effect of treatment of C6 glioma cells with 5-HT or ketanserin on the stimulation of IP accumulation by quipazine

μM % of control
Vehicle60.51  ± 0.06
10-min 5-HT60.48  ± 0.0561  ± 4.5
2-h 5-HT60.47  ± 0.1024  ± 8.2
24-h 5-HT60.48  ± 0.2026  ± 4.4
Vehicle40.54  ± 0.09
10-min ketanserin40.80  ± 0.1854  ± 4.2
30-min ketanserin40.83  ± 0.1863  ± 5.6
2-h ketanserin40.55  ± 0.0866  ± 6.9

Cells were treated with 5-HT (10 μM) and ketanserin (50 nM) for indicated times. Accumulation of [3H]IP was measured in triplicate after a 20-min incubation with quipazine, as described in Fig. 1. Shown are the mean ± S.E.M. EC50 values were analyzed by analysis of variance.