Table 2

In vitro effects of alpidem but not zolpidem on ADP-supported respiration sustained by malate and glutamate

Oxygen ConsumptionRCRADP/O
State 3State 4
nmol O/min/mg of protein
Control153  ± 233  ± 14.8  ± 0.52.7  ± 0.3
Alpidem (50 μM)112  ± 32-150 45  ± 22.4  ± 0.72-150 1.9  ± 0.1
Alpidem (100 μM)99  ± 32-150 47  ± 32-150 2.0  ± 0.52-150 1.8  ± 0.12-150
Alpidem (250 μM)72  ± 152-150 83  ± 92-150 0.8  ± 1.02-150 1.8  ± 0.22-150
Zolpidem (250 μM)144  ± 1438  ± 54.1  ± 0.53.1  ± 0.2

Mitochondria were incubated at 30°C with glutamate and malate (5 mM each). One minute after addition of alpidem or zolpidem, ADP (0.2 mM) was added and respiration was measured. Results are means ± S.E.M. for at least three experiments.

  • O, atom of oxygen; RCR, respiratory control ratio; ADP/O, ADP formed per O consumed during state 3 respiration.

  • 2-150  Different from control (P < 0.05).