Table 2

CT52923 specifically inhibits PDGF-induced mitogenesis and chemotaxis

Thymidine Incorporation2-aCell Migration2-a
PDGF-BB0.28  ± 0.06 (n = 6)2-b 0.064  ± 0.025 (n = 5)2-c
bFGF13.0  ± 3.35 (n = 4)5.88  ± 1.84 (n = 4)
  • 2-a  Values are mean ± S.E.M. of four to six independent experiments performed in triplicate.

  • 2-b  p < 0.001 compared with IC50 value from bFGF-induced thymidine incorporation assay.

  • 2-c  p < 0.01 compared with IC50 value from bFGF-induced cell migration assay.