Table 2

Effects of CYP on iNOS activity in the rat bladder

TreatmentiNOS Activity
pmol citrulline/mg protein/min
Saline0.5  ± 1
CYP12.6  ± 22-150

Rats were treated either with saline (0.1 ml/100 g, i.p.) or CYP at a dose of 150 mg/kg, i.p. Animals were sacrificed 6 h after administration of saline or CYP. Bladder was removed and assayed for NOS activity. Calcium-independent NOS activity in the supernatant of bladder homogenates was assayed by the rate of conversion of labeledl-arginine to labeled l-citrulline (seeMaterials and Methods for details). The results are expressed as mean values ± S.E. (n = 5).

  • 2-150  Significantly different from controls (saline treated) rats at P < .001.