Table 2

Influence of dosing time on pharmacokinetic parameters after IFN-β (0.5 MI.U./kg, intratumorally) injection at 9:00 AM or 9:00 PM

Pharmacokinetic ParametersTime of Drug Injection (Clock Hours)Student's t Test
9:00 AM9:00 PM
CL (g protein/h/kg)1.156  ± 0.0151.436  ± 0.019 P < .01
V c (g protein/kg)0.574  ± 0.0060.587  ± 0.006N.S.
t 1/2α (× 10−1 h)0.587  ± 0.0040.503  ± 0.004 P < .01
t 1/2β (× 10−1 h)7.677  ± 0.0596.638  ± 0.054 P < .01
AUC (I.U. · h/mg protein)435.891  ± 5.298350.641  ± 4.556 P < .01
MRT (h)0.894  ± 0.0090.735  ± 0.008 P < .01

Each value is the mean with S.E. of 44 to 51 mice.