Table 1

Effects of in vivo GTN tolerance on vascular NADPH- and NADH-dependent cytochrome c reductase activity

Aortic Microsome PreparationnNADPH-Cytochrome c Reductase Activity1-anNADH-Cytochrome c Reductase Activity1-b
nmol cytochrome c reduced/min/mg protein nmol cytochrome c reduced/min/mg protein
Control516.3  ± 2.85491  ± 47
Control + SOD512.0  ± 3.21-150 5475  ± 49
Tolerant516.8  ± 3.55450  ± 47
Tolerant + SOD411.0  ± 1.41-150 5425  ± 401-150

Aortic microsomes were prepared from GTN-tolerant rats or from rats treated with “dummy” transdermal GTN patches (control). NADPH- or NADH-dependent cytochrome c reductase activity of microsomal protein (30–50 μg/ml with NADPH or 5–8 μg/ml with NADH) was measured in the absence or presence of exogenously added SOD (300 U/ml).

  • 1-a Each value is the mean ± S.D. of two to four measurements for n preparations using five to six rats per preparation.

  • 1-b Each value is the mean ± S.D. of measurements in microsomes from five rats.

  • 1-150   P < .05 (control versus control + SOD and tolerant versus tolerant + SOD, Student's t test for paired data).