Table 1

Time dependence of human HO-1 gene expression in transgenic rat tissues after adenovirus gene transfer

ConditionsNo. of Human HO-1 mRNA Molecules Expressed in Rat Tissues
no. of molecules/ng total RNA
1 d209.4067.12166.3866.98189.06
1 wk87.90189.56185.0670.99354.86
2 wk85.8968.04254.88210.56197.43
4 wk21.0918.7724.9819.7625.58

Competitive amplification of human HO-1 RNA in rat tissues, total RNA, and mutated insert. Internal standard and mutated human HO-1 were added at 20 fg with rat tissues of 1 μg of RNA. Reaction products were analyzed in a 6% acrylamide gel. The amounts of amplified human template were determined by densitometry performed on individual bands with the NIH IMAGE program on the autoradiogram and by counting the radioactivity of various bands after excision from the gel (41). The ratio of human mRNA versus internal standard was used to calculate the amount of human HO-1 mRNA within the total rat RNA as described in Fig.2.