Table 1

Angiotensin and bradykinin peptide levels in plasma, blood, kidney, heart, aorta and lung of vehicle-treated rats

TissueAng II (fmol/g)Ang I (fmol/g)Ang II/Ang I Ratio (fmol/fmol)BK-(1–7) (fmol/g)BK-(1–9) (fmol/g)BK-(1–7)/BK-(1–9) Ratio (fmol/fmol)
Plasma68  ± 817  ± 24.3  ± 0.3NDNDND
BloodNDNDND4.1  ± 0.82.3  ± 0.52.1  ± 0.2
Kidney221  ± 3153  ± 74.4  ± 0.449  ± 791  ± 190.60  ± 0.04
Heart12  ± 21.9  ± 0.49.6  ± 1.622  ± 222  ± 31.2  ± 0.1
Aorta50  ± 10<20ND15  ± 318  ± 62.4  ± 1.0
Lung138  ± 188  ± 231  ± 651  ± 1375  ± 140.9  ± 0.3
  • Mean ± S.E., n = 16–23, except for aortic BK-(1–7) and BK-(1–9) levels and BK-(1–7)/BK-(1–9) ratio, where values are from experiment 2, n = 8; for experiment 1, aortic BK-(1–7) and BK-(1–9) levels were less than the minimum detectable (<12 fmol/g for each peptide). ND, Not determined.