Table 3

Antagonist potencies to block 5-HT-stimulated [cAMP]imediated by the recombinant human 5-HT7(a) receptor isoform stably expressed in murine fibroblasts

Intrinsic activityDrugKi(nM)3-bKb(nM)EmaxKb/Ki
Partial Agonists1-NP76117  ± 3231  ± 61.5
AntagonistsMethiothepin3.77.4  ± 2.5NIA3-a 2.00
Octoclothepin4.38.0  ± 3.5NIA 1.86
Dihydroergotamine9.23.7  ± 1.1NIA 0.40
d-LSD6.08.0  ± 2.6NIA 1.33
Mesulergine218.2  ± 1.6NIA 0.39
Metergoline139.5  ± 1.5NIA 0.73
Clozapine6924  ± 7NIA 0.35
Ritanserin4766  ± 17NIA 1.40
Spiperone11459  ± 18NIA 0.52
Cyproheptadine12299  ± 35NIA 0.81
Ketanserin1177174  ± 44NIA 0.15
Rauwolscine2819868  ± 79NIA 0.31
  • 3-a NIA, No positive or negative intrinsic activity observed up to 10 μM.

  • 3-b Kb values represent means ± S.E. of three to seven determinations.