Table 2

Influence of S 16924 as compared to clozapine and haloperidol in various tests of antipsychotic properties involving serotonergic and/or dopaminergic activity

HyperlocomotionHead-TwitchesDrug discrimination: lever selectionDrug discrimination: response rate
PCPDOIDS = DOIDS = ClozapineDS = S 16924DS = DOIDS = ClozapineDS = S 16924
DrugID50 % MOEID50 % MOEED50 % MOAED50 % MOGED50 % MOGID50 % MOIID50 % MOIID50 % MOI
(95% CL)(Dose)(95% CL)(Dose)(95% CL)(Dose)(95% CL)(Dose)(95% CL)(Dose)(95% CL)(Dose)(95% CL)(Dose)(95% CL)(Dose)
S 169240.021000.151000.171000.71000.02a 100>0.6301.762>0.16a 0
Clozapine0.071000.041000.05861.7a 1000.283>0.1608.7a 60>1.2511
  • DS, Discriminative stimulus; ID50, inhibitory dose50; ED50, effective dose50; CL, confidence limit; % MOE, % maximal observed effect; % MOA, % maximal observed antagonism; % MOG, % maximal observed generalization and % MOI, % maximal observed inhibition.

  • Doses are in mg/kg, s.c. or i.p. (a).