Table 1

Effects of TB-3-4 at wild-type and mutant NMDA receptors

 Subunit combinationTB-3-4
 NR1/NR2A0.19  (0.16, 0.22)0.9  ± 0.047
 NR1(N616G)/NR2A0.49  (0.28, 0.64)1-a 0.9  ± 0.035
 NR1(N616Q)/NR2A0.75  (0.62, 0.90)1-a 1.0  ± 0.034
 NR1/NR2B0.28  (0.23, 0.33)0.8  ± 0.035
 NR1(N616G)/NR2B0.36  (0.27, 0.47)0.9  ± 0.034
 NR1(N616Q)/NR2B0.59  (0.55, 0.62)1-a 1.1  ± 0.024
 NR1(N616R)/NR2B175  (173, 178)1-a 1.2  ± 0.054
 NR1/NR2C5.4  (5.0, 5.8)0.9  ± 0.024
 NR1/NR2D9.7  (8.7, 10.8)1.1  ± 0.045

The effects of TB-3-4 were measured at NR1/NR2 receptors containing wild-type and mutant NR1 subunits in oocytes voltage-clamped at −70 mV. Values for the IC50, mean (−S.E.M., +S.E.M.), and Hill slope (nH; mean ± S.E.M.) were determined from concentration-inhibition curves with five or six concentrations of TB-3-4 at each receptor type.

  • 1-a P < .05 compared with respective wild-type receptors (one-way analysis of variance with post hocDunnett’s test).