Table 4

EC50, Emax and slope for 5-HT elicited decrease in sAHP amplitude in CA1 hippocampal pyramidal cells from control and fluoxetine-treated rats4-a

EC50(−log)Emax % decreaseSlope
Control5.48  ± 0.09  (8)50.81  ± 4.23  (8)2.57  ± 0.34  (8)
Fluoxetine5.78  ± 0.13  (7)57.69  ± 8.97  (8)2.19  ± 0.33  (8)
  • 4-a E max values are the percent inhibition of the sAHP amplitude as compared with the base-line sAHP amplitude. Estimates were obtained by fitting concentration-response data from individual cells to the formula for a logistic/hyperbolic function. Values listed are the mean ± S.E.M., and the numbers of cells tested are given in parentheses.