Table 3

Morphological changes in the renal medulla and cortex in the four groups

Grade of Medullary Changes01234Mean ± S.E.M.
Control (n = 5)410.2  ± 0.2
FUR (n = 5)50.0  ± 0.0
BEA (n = 5)142.8  ± 0.2
BEA + FUR (n = 4)133.3  ± 0.8
Grade of cortical changes
Control (n = 5)1311.0  ± 0.3
FUR (n = 5)140.8  ± 0.2
BEA (n = 5)232.6  ± 0.2
BEA + FUR (n = 4)1122.3  ± 0.5
  • Medullary changes: grade 0: no changes. Grade 1: narrowing of the tip of the papilla with slight disappearance of RIC. Grade 2: narrowing of the inner half of the papilla with disappearance of the majority of RIC. Grade 3: disappearance of the entire papilla with only a few RIC left in the nonpapillary part of the inner medullary zone. Grade 4: missing papilla and narrowing of the nonpapillary part of the inner medulla with no discernible RIC.Cortical changes: grade 0: no changes. Grade 1: tubular dilatation with minimal loss of brush border. Grade 2: disperse minor changes with atrophy and dilatation of tubules. Grade 3: multifocal changes with moderately severe dilatation and atrophy. Grade 4: widespread changes with many larger foci and continuous areas with atrophic and severely dilated tubules.