Synopsis of the studies

EvaluationExperimental ModelScope
Pharmacokinetics in humans.Human blood samples from the clinical HORIZON-HF study on istaroxime (Gheorghiade et al., 2008).To assess compatibility of pharmacokinetics with chronic usage.
Effects on SERCA2a and Na+/K+ ATPase activities in cell-free preparations (enzymatic assays).Tissue homogenates/microsomes from: dog kidney (Na+/K+ ATPase); rat and guinea pig ventricle (SERCA2a); guinea pig skeletal muscle (SERCA1).To assess efficacy and selectivity in modulating the ATPase proteins relevant to the ino-lusitropic effect.
Demonstration of PLN-SERCA2a interaction as the molecular target.
In vitro effects for ligands potentially accounting for off-target actions.High-throughput in vitro ligation to a panel of 50 molecular ligands.To screen for a wide range of interactors potentially involved in off-target effects.
Effects on Na+/K+ ATPase current and intracellular Ca2+ dynamics in healthy and diseased myocytes.Ventricular myocytes isolated from healthy and diseased rats with known SERCA2a dysfunction (STZ-diabetic rats).To assess in isolated cells efficacy in restoring the SR function in diseased cardiac myocytes.
Effects on electrical activity of healthy myocytes.Ventricular myocytes isolated from guinea pigs, a species with human-like repolarization.To test for potential off-target effects of proarrhythmic relevance.
Effects on in vivo hemodynamics of diseased hearts.Healthy and STZ-diabetic rats; echocardiographic evaluation before and during drug infusion.To assess efficacy in reversing disease-induced hemodynamic abnormalities in vivo.
In vivo acute toxicity.Healthy mice; evaluation of LD50.To assess drug toxicity in vivo.