Summary statistics pharmacokinetic parameters from the SAD study

SAD Study PanelParticipantsCmaxTmaxAUC0–tAUC0–∞t1/2aCLT/F
GM (CV%)Median
(Minimum–Maximum)GM (CV%)GM (CV%)Mean (S.D.)GM (CV%)
Panel 1 (10 mg)611 (50)3 (1.5–5)128 (76)153 (89)16 (15)66 (60)
Panel 2 (30 mg)649 (52)4 (3–5)895 (45)982 (5)19 (9)31 (65)
Panel 3 (100 mg)6280 (42)4 (2–5)4586 (39)5143 (52)23 (9)19 (40)
Panel 4 (300 mg, fasted)6325 (52)3.5 (2–5)8574 (46)8749 (48)20 (10)34 (54)
Panel 4 (300 mg, high-fat meal)6721 (45)5 (4–12)19,426 (34)20,352 (41)28 (14)15 (31)
Panel 5 (600 mg famotidine)6512 (57)3 (2–5)9750 (59)10,073 (63)23 (14)30 (47)
Panel 6 (900 mg)6748 (32)4 (2–5)21,878 (33)21,440 (37)20 (8)28 (31)
Panel 7 (1200 mg)61597 (29)4 (3–6)50,104 (58)52,245 (56)22 (7)23 (51)
Panel 8 (900 mg; elderly)92870 (24)5 (3–12)134,138 (38)155,797 (43)63 (20)6 (38)
Panel 9 (900 mg; plasma)10876 (42)4.5 (4–18)42,576 (26)439,701 (26)32 (21)20 (24)
Panel 9 (900 mg; CSF)106.5 (40)6 (4–18)97 (41)
  • AUC0–t, area under the concentration-time curve from zero to the last quantifiable time; CLT/F, apparent total body clearance; GM (CV%), geometric mean and coefficient of variation.

  • a Calculated at day 25 for 200 mg in the MAD study.