Percent inhibition, relative to vehicle-treated animals, of ankle diameter, paw weight, and histopathology scores for VX-509 q.d. dose experiments

Using ANOVA plus Dunnett’s (measures) and Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA (scored parameters) post hoc tests. n = 4 for control group, n = 8 for all treatment groups. Mean baseline values for the collagen + vehicle group are cumulative ankle diameter = 55.9 mm, paw weight = 2.1 g, ankle histopathology score = 11.4, knee histopathology score = 9.3. Control mean baseline values are cumulative ankle diameter = 45.7 mm, paw weight = 1.3 g, ankle histopathology score = 0, knee histopathology score = 0.

GroupDoseDosingJoint Measures, % Inhibition (±S.E.)Histopathology Score, % Inhibition (±S.E.)
Ankle DiameterPaw WeightAnkleKnee
Collagen + vehicleq.d.0 (±7)0 (±5.5)0 (±12.5)0 (±12.9)
Collagen + VX-50950q.d.58** (±7.3)71** (±9.4)62** (±16.9)94** (±3.5)
100q.d.59** (±5.9)65** (±6)58** (±7)100** (±0)
Collagen + etanercept10q.4.d.54** (±7)70** (±8.2)61** (±10.1)84** (±10.9)
  • ** P < 0.01 compared with CIA rats in the vehicle group.