Effect of A-1165442 and ABT-102 on pain behavior after acute dosing in a mouse model of bone cancer pain

Injection of tumor cells into the femur induced ongoing pain (vehicle group: 0 ± 8.4%) and changes in palpation-evoked pain (vehicle group: 0 ± 8.4%) and in spontaneous ambulation (limb use) (vehicle group: 0 ± 9.1%). Efficacies for A-1165442 are shown as values ± S.E.M. for at least eight determinations. Percentage effects were calculated as follows: (1− ((A-1165442 value − sham value)/(vehicle value − sham value))) × 100. Fifteen days after tumor cell inoculation A-1165442 had no significant effect on the three behavioral endpoints.

AntagonistSpontaneous GuardingPalpation-Induced GuardingLimb Use
A-116544211.7 ± 9.57.6 ± 12.4−11.1 ± 8.4
ABT-102*70 ± 165 ± 485 ± 15
  • * Full data for ABT-102 were reported in Honore et al. (2009).