The effects of positive allosteric modulators on glycine- and taurine-activated GlyR desensitization rates

Currents were measured at the peak responses and 5 s later. The percentage drop in current observed within 5 s in the presence of the modulator was divided by the percentage drop seen in the absence of the modulator, multiplied by 100, and then had 100 subtracted to indicate the percentage change in desensitization produced by the modulator. Data are shown as the mean ± S.E.M. of five to seven oocytes per modulator per agonist.

Ethanol2.3 ± 4.516.3 ± 10.5
Chloroform*−4.5 ± 2.5120.0 ± 58.4
Isoflurane*3.6 ± 1.968.6 ± 14.0
Halothane3.9 ± 6.2104.5 ± 52.5
Enflurane*20.5 ± 4.7128.3 ± 39.1
Desflurane*2.9 ± 5.8136.2 ± 83.2
Toluene2.3 ± 9.4−4.9 ± 10.1
TCE6.7 ± 11.427.6 ± 19.4
TCY*−4.9 ± 6.456.4 ± 23.1
  • * P < 0.05 comparing glycine and taurine columns.