GABA concentration response relationships for wild-type and 6′ mutant GABAARs

GABA concentration response curves were generated by measuring currents induced by increasing agonist concentrations (0.1 μM–7 mM). Values are represented as the mean ± S.E.M. The EC50 is the agonist concentration that elicits half of maximal response. Currents were normalized to the maximal current, and response curves were produced by using nonlinear regression to the Hill equation. N is the number of oocytes tested for each receptor.

ReceptorGABA EC50Hill CoefficientMaximal ResponseN
α2β241 ± 150.8 ± 00.14759 ± 3245
α2(T6′W)β211 ± 31.5 ± 00.74023 ± 5006
α2(T6′C)β27 ± 31.6 ± 1.03221 ± 2883
α2(T6′M)β288 + 8*0.9 ± 0.13836 ± 13853
α2β2(T6′C)10 ± 32.0 ± 1.01884 ± 467*3
α2β2γ2s56 ± 111.4 ± 0.15889 ± 9453
α2(T6′C)β2γ2s10 ± 7*0.9 ± 0.35748 ± 21443
α2β2(T6′C)γ2s2 ± 1*1.6 ± 0.35226 ± 16853
α2(T6′W)β2γ2s10 ± 1*2.0 ± 1.66043 ± 8103
  • * p < 0.05, significant effect of mutation compared with respective wild-type receptor.