In vitro pharmacology of RG3487: receptor binding, enzyme and cell-based assays

TargetControl (10 μM)TargetControl (10 μM)TargetControl (10 μM)
A1 (h)97.5CCR1 (h)90.7Phospholipase A2108
A2A (h)94.5H1 (h)81.9COX1 (h)115
A3 (h)95H2 (h)75.5COX2 (h)95.8
a1 (nonselective)83MC4 (h)1045-LO94.5
α2 (non-selective)100ML1 (h)95.9Constituitive NOS (h)120
β1 (h)77.3M1 (h)77.8Phosphodiesterase 199.8
β2 (h)73M2 (h)87Phosphodiesterase 2 (h)99
AT1 (h)76.3M3 (h)83.6Phosphodiesterase 3 (h)99.5
AT2 (h)98.4M4 (h)90.4Phosphodiesterase 5 (h)108
BZD (central)85.5M5 (h)101ACE (h)96.2
BZD (peripheral)88.2P2X108ECE-1 (h)99.3
BB (nonselective)103P2Y102Elastase (h)99.2
B2 (h)91.95-HT1A (h)95.5Caspase-8 (h)107
CGRP (h)1015-HT1B88.3Cathepsin L (h)90.3
CB1 (h)77.55-HT2A (h)51.4Neutral endopeptidase (h)88.3
CCK1 (CCKA) (h)1085-HT2C (h)73.1MMP-9 (h)96.4
CCK2 (CCKB) (h)99.15-HT3 (h)0.1Tryptase (h)98.3
D1 (h)94.35-HT5A (h)73.5Ca2+-ATPase pump107
D2S (h)1065-HT6 (h)77.6Phosphatase IB (h)99.2
D3 (h)96.55-HT7 (h)84.7CAM kinase II105
D4.4 (h)115σ (nonselective)70EGFR-tyrosine kinase (h)100
D5 (h)86.2sst (nonselective)103ERK2 (P42mapk)99.3
ETA (h)88.4VPAC1 (VIP1)(h)95.2PKA (h)109
ETB (h)106V1a (h)86.3PKC98.8
GABA (nonselective)74.8Ca2+ chan (L, verap site)82.7Acetylcholinesterase (h)101
GAL1 (h)107K+ V chan89.8MAO-A (h)99.6
GAL2 (h)82.5SK+ Ca chan94.5MAO-B (h)103
PDGF104Na+ chan (site 2)52.7ATPase (Na+/K+)102
CXCR2 (IL-8B) (h)109Cl chan110AcetylCoA synthetase95.6
TNF-α (h)94NE transporter (h)88.4Carbonic anhydrase II (h)88.3
  • h indicates human.