Plasma and brain pharmacokinetic parameters determined by noncompartmental analysis after the administration of a single intravenous bolus dose of sorafenib in wild-type mice

The ratio of AUC in the brain to that in plasma was estimated to be 0.06, signifying the restricted brain penetration of sorafenib.

Pharmacokinetic ParameterPlasmaBrain
Terminal rate constant (h−1)0.420.73
Half-life (h)1.60.9
Clearance (ml/min/kg)5.8
Volume of distribution (ml/kg)840
AUC0→t-last (mg · min/ml)1.5 ± 0.1*0.11 ± 0.008*
AUC0→inf (mg · min/ml)1.60.11
  • * Mean ± S.D. (standard error of the estimate).