Model parameters for glucocorticoid receptor and corticosterone regulation

Parameter (Units)


α1 (ng_GR/ng_TNF) Intrinsic activity of TNF-α mRNA on GR synthesis 0.01010
α2 (ng_GR/ng_IL-1β) Intrinsic activity of IL-1β mRNA on GR synthesis 0.0002894
kin_GRm (h-1) Synthesis rate constant for GR mRNA 102.5
GRm0 (ng/mg_RNA) Glucocorticoid receptor mRNA baseline 268.1b
IC50_GRm/DRN (nM) IC50 value for CST effects on GR mRNA via GR 545.7
γDR Hill coefficient of CST effects on GR mRNA 10.00b
β1 (ng_CST·ml-1·ng_TNF-1) Intrinsic activity of TNF-α mRNA on CST synthesis 0.01118
β2 (ng_CST·ml-1·ng_IL1β -1) Intrinsic activity of IL-1β mRNA on CST synthesis 0.00001159
kin_CST (h-1) Synthesis rate constant for plasma CST 1575
CST0 (ng/ml) Plasma CST baseline 129.4b
ksyn_GR (nM h-1 ng_GRmRNA-1) Synthesis rate constant for glucocorticoid receptor 0.1053
ffGC · kon_C (h-1) Binding rate for steroid in plasma to receptor in tissue 4716
kRE_C (h-1) Release constant for CST and GR complex from nucleus 85.04
kt5 (h-1) Transduction constant for cytokine effects on GR mRNA 0.002374
kdgr_GR (h-1) Degradation rate constant for free glucocorticoid receptor 0.054b
kT (h-1) Rate constant for DR complex translocation to the nucleus 58.2b
Fraction of DRN returned to free glucocorticoid receptor
  • a S-ADAPT software was unable to generate CV%.

  • b Parameter value was fixed.