Experimental design for kinetic dissociation experiments

Binding of [125I]RTI-55 (0.01 nM) to hDAT proceeded for 2 h at 25°C. At this point (time 0), RTI-55 (1 μ M) was added to conditions 2 and 4. Ten minutes later, test drugs were added to conditions 3 and 4. For the data analysis, the 100% of control point was time 0 min for conditions 1 and 2 and time 10 min for conditions 3 and 4. Each data point is the mean ± S.D. of three experiments. The data were fit to a one- (conditions 1, 2, and 4) or two-component (condition 3) exponential decay model using KaleidaGraph version 3.6 to calculate the kinetic constants.


First Addition (Time 0 min)

Second Addition (Time 10 min)
1. Control None None
2. RTI-55 RTI-55 (1 μm) None
3. Test drug None Test drug: SoRI-20040 (10 μM) or SoRI-20041 (10 μM) or SoRI-2827 (10 μM)
4. RTI-55 + test drug
RTI-55 (1 μM)
Test drug: SoRI-20040 (10 μM) or SoRI-20041 (10 μM) or SoRI-2827 (10 μM)