Summary of the changes in the expression of arrestins and GRKs induced by the treatment with haloperidol or clozapine

Brain Region


    Prefrontal cortex GRK2 ↑ pERK ↑
    Cingulate cortex
    Dorsal hippocampus ARR2 ↓ GRK3 ↓
Basal ganglia
    Nucleus accumbens core ARR2 ↑
    Nucleus accumbens shell
    Caudatoputamen dorsomedial
    Caudatoputamen dorsolateral
    Caudatoputamen ventromedial
    Caudatoputamen ventrolateral GRK3 ↓ ARR2 ↑ pERK ↑
    Caudal caudatoputamen GRK5 ↓ (2h) GRK5 ↓ (2 h) ↑ (24 h)
    Globus pallidus
GRK5 ↓ (2h)
GRK5 ↓ (2 h) GRK3 ↓
  • U, no significant differences; ↓ or ↑, a protein was significantly decreased or increased in the drug-treated as compared with the vehicle-treated group; (2 h) or (24 h), the protein was altered 2 or 24 h after the last injection; otherwise, the changes were detected with both washout periods.