CYP2A6 and CYP2A13 mRNA levels in human lung tissues with differing levels of CYP2A proteins

CYP2A6 and CYP2A13 mRNA levels were determined, using real-time RNA-PCR. Lung tissues that were found to have either relatively high (∼30–110 fmol/mg microsomal protein; CYP2A6-High) or low (<2 to ∼8 fmol/mg microsomal protein; CYP2A6-Low) levels of CYP2A6 were analyzed for CYP2A6 mRNA expression, whereas lung tissues that were found to have either relatively high (∼3–20 fmol/mg microsomal protein; CYP2A13-High) or low (<2 fmol/mg microsomal protein; CYP2A13-Low) levels of CYP2A13 were analyzed for CYP2A13 mRNA expression. RNA samples that failed to produce a positive signal after 50 cycles of real-time PCR were assigned an abundance value of zero copies for calculation of means and medians.

Tissue Samples


Relative mRNA Abundance
Mean ± S.D.
Median (25%, 75%)
Mean ± S.D.
Median (25%, 75%)
Copies/106 Copies of β-Actin mRNA
CYP2A6-High 7 84 ± 71 88 (9, 130) NDa ND
CYP2A6-Low 9 24 ± 29b 15 (5, 34) ND ND
CYP2A13-High 8 ND ND 53 ± 71 18 (4, 130)
10 ± 16c
3.0 (0.3, 14)d
  • a ND, not determined.

  • b Significantly lower than CYP2A6-High; P < 0.05, Student's t test.

  • c Comparisons between CYP2A13-High and CYP2A13-Low groups failed equal variance and normality tests.

  • d Significantly lower than CYP2A13-High; P < 0.05, Mann-Whitney rank sum test.