Unbound liver concentrations and intrinsic clearance values for sulfate conjugates of acetaminophen, 4-methylumbelliferone, and harmol

Liver concentrations (C) and intrinsic clearance values (CI) were determined as described under Materials and Methods. Mean ± S.D., n = 3–4/group.

C57BL/6 Abcc3-/-Abcc4-/-
Acetaminophen Sulfate
Cliver unbound (nM) 376 ± 59 321 ± 61 340 ± 53
Clbasolateral (μl/min/g liver) 142 ± 24 117 ± 42 111 ± 20
Clbile (μl/min/g liver) 6 ± 1 10 ± 3* 6 ± 1
4-Methylumbelliferyl Sulfate
Cliver unbound (nM) 211 ± 55 308 ± 166 373 ± 91
Clbasolateral (μl/min/g liver) 2036 ± 667 1012 ± 354* 733 ± 235*
Clbile (μl/min/g liver) 927 ± 332 762 ± 239 452 ± 179
Harmol Sulfate
Cliver unbound (nM) 745 ± 125 537 ± 109 620 ± 51
Clbasolateral (μl/min/g liver) 411 ± 131 296 ± 80 229 ± 10
Clbile (μl/min/g liver)a 459 ± 42 670 ± 241 400 ± 41
  • * p < 0.05, knockout vs. wild type.

  • a Statistical significance was assessed by ANOVA on ranks with Dunn's post hoc test.